Group Insurance Plans

Jackson Insurance Group provides flexible options to help you select the plan designs that will benefit your group the most. Whether you are a small business owner with less than 50 employees or a large corporation with 1,000 employees, we have the tools and sources to customize your every need.

Low Premiums

Group plans spread risk across a pool of insured individuals.

Low Risk Management

Group plans give a clearer idea of who they are covering.

Simple to Obtain

Plans are easy to start, and easy to maintain. No confusion involved at all.

How Does Group Insurance Work?

> Coverage is generally guaranteed issue
> You need at least one employee to qualify
> You must contribute toward employee premiums
> And you can shop for coverage at any time of the year

Business Owners Less Than 50 Employees

Self-Funded Plans

We are now able to offer self-funded plans for small groups, where you can take control of your health care expensive while provided great quality benefits to your employees. By combining the cost savings of self-funding with the stability of more traditional plans, our Self-Funded Program gives you the simplicity and cost savings you’re looking for without the hassle of administering the program yourself. 

HRA Plans

Jackson Insurance can offer services that have solved both problems by reducing the high cost of health insurance with our financial health plans. By adding our Flex Life cash accumulation program employees can turn their health premium savings into equity. This enables them to get cash back on their underage health premiums and ensures that they will have the cash for their over 65 Medicare years.

Business Owners More than 50 Employees

Offering an affordable group health plan with low deductibles and low premiums can be difficult considering the risks that may be encountered throughout each year. We understand that injuries and illness can have a major impact on your health insurance rates. Here at Jackson Insurance Group, we can offer Health Plans for group coverage with deductibles as low as $500 per employee, little to no increase in premium, providing a low risk pool availability, and can keep current health insurance carrier from year to year.

We specialize in meeting the specific health insurance needs of municipalities, auto dealerships, and furniture manufacturers.

Group Plans

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